RWE Renewables Italia S.r.l. is responsible for the content and services made available on the website it.rwe.com.
RWE Renewables Italia S.r.l.
Via Andrea Doria 41/G
00192 Rome
Registered with the Companies’ Register of Rome under no. 06400370968
The contents of the website are protected by copyright or any other intellectual property right of RWE Renewables Italia S.r.l.
RWE Renewables Italia S.r.l. is committed to constantly updating the content on this website. However, the texts, information, published data and links to other sites may not be updated, accurate and complete at all times: they must therefore be considered exclusively for information purposes, without any official character. RWE Renewables Italia S.r.l. and/or any of its affiliates assume no responsibility for any errors or omissions of any kind and for any type of direct, indirect or accidental damage deriving from reading or using the information published or any form of content on the website.
Legal claims or legal disputes resulting from the use of the Italian RWE website are subject to the laws of Italy.
The overall responsibility for the general content of the website rwe.com lays with RWE AG.
Group Communications & Public Affairs
Stephanie Schunck
Dr Markus Krebber (CEO)
Dr Michael Müller
Katja van Doren
Dr Werner Brandt
District court Essen HRB 14525
DE 8130 23 584